
Welcome to the website of Roadford Lake Sailing Club (RLSC). Roadford Lake is a reservoir formed by the flooding of the Wolf Valley in 1989, and is just a couple of miles off the A30 about 10 miles to the East of Launceston (so is very easily accessible). It is the largest open inland body of water in the South West and provides domestic water supplies to large swathes of Devon. The Sailing Club is a small but very friendly club which has a somewhat unusual, if not unique, operating model.

The lake and all facilities are managed and maintained by the South West Lakes Trust (SWLT). Thus for example boat berthing, ground maintenance, buildings and general administration are all dealt with by their full time staff. They are also responsible for safety on site which of course includes rescue facilities and they provide a safety cover service throughout the year. Therefore if you want to sail at Roadford Lake, the first thing that you need to do is to join as a member of the SW Lakes who can be reached on 01409 211507 or by email on roadford@swlakestrust.org.uk. Further information on SW Lakes memberships can be found here.

Roadford Lake Sailing Club exists to provide the only thing that is not provided by the SWLT, i.e. organised dinghy racing. So once you've joined the SWLT you can join RLSC for a very small fee and join in with our racing.

Further details of Club contacts, activities, costs etc are included in these pages.

Why sail at Roadford?

  • Roadford Lake is the biggest lake in the South West at some 730 acres
  • There's no salt in the water!
  • There is no current, and the tide only goes out once a year (in Summer!) so your launching trolley will be where you need it when you return to the beach
  • There's a massive launch and recovery area
  • There are very few obstacles, either to wind flow or in the water
  • Boats can be stored all year in your own berth with good security. No being kicked out by the yachts in Winter!
  • Changing facilities are spacious and of good quality
  • Fees are very reasonable
  • Parking is free and extensive, and there are camping facilities on site

Why not come and join us? Further information about us.

Autumn Series

13/10 A light and unpredictable breeze proved a challenge for everyone.

Club President

17th September brought us the sad news that our former Commodore and long term President Alastair Wallace had finally lost his long time battle with cancer.

Alastair was an amazing servant to the Club, investing hour upon hour promoting the Club, running races and organising open events over many years. He also gave his time to the Outdoor and Active centre doing Waterwatch and helping visiting campers and sailors.

RLSC, Goodacre Farm, Broadwoodwidger, Lifton,
Devon. PL16 0JL
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