
The Club has a fairly small racing group and are keen to expand. Racing is principally on Sundays and usually takes the form of two back-to-back general handicap races on a Sunday morning beginning at 11:30. If there is sufficient interest races will be run on a Sunday afternoon on an ad hoc basis, and consideration is currently being given to organization of races on a Wednesday. As the season progresses a number of series take place with a different profile each year so keep an eye on the racing schedules! During 2020 for example there was a monthly series throughout the season, but the year before the period between March and October saw three series (Spring, Summer and Autumn) followed by a very cold Winter series!

There are the usual menagerie of different boats competing although at the time of writing the Supernova is becoming the largest fleet. Skill levels cover the whole range of sailing ability from recent sailing starters to a multiple National Champion but everyone is keen to help each other to improve their racing skills.

The main exceptions to our usual schedule of racing are when we are hosting an Open Racing Event. In the last few years the main events have been the Roadford Rocket in February, CVDRA open in July and the Goodacre Cup over the August Bank Holiday week-end.

The Club also have close links to the CVRDA and actively encourage the participation of older craft (whether vintage, or just plain "old").

On the left frame of this page should be all the resources required for racing, ranging from race management documentation through to the results of the current series (with lots of other stuff in between).


RLSC, Goodacre Farm, Broadwoodwidger, Lifton,
Devon. PL16 0JL
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